Wednesday, October 29, 2008


A BIG "Well Done" to my son-in-law Tim Malvita For winning the international songwriting contest, "Festival4Stars". He will be recieving an award at the presentations in London, England.

The video and song can be heard at his bands website "Dark Star Revolt"
on myspace or youtube site

This is America and Dark Star Revolt, including Tim Malvita on guitar, Ronnie Russell on drums, and C.J. Sly on the bass

Thursday, October 16, 2008

My Heart Is Heavy.............

Why is it that people find it necessary to cut down others? Is it because they are so insecure about themselves that trying to destroy the reputation of another makes them feel better? I have found through out my life that the people that most complain and talk negatively are usually people that are not very happy with themselves or their lives.

Bad things happen to all of us. Some worst than others. I believe that these are things you try to workout or overcome. I try to deal with what may have happened and accept it for what it was and try to go on and do better or be a better person. Sometimes things are so very bad it seems as if they cannot be dealt with. But, someway, somehow they must be. People's lives do go on and things in one way or another to subside. Even if only buried deep within our hearts and souls.

I suppose that when some people are suffering because of their misfortunes they tend to want to see others suffer also. This is when malicious gossip starts to spread, be it true or false. They want to try to destroy reputations and lives, to make them suffer, to bring pain within their hearts. Somehow this makes them feel better, or so they think.

As a young child I was told "If you can't say something nice, then don't say anything at all" this has stayed with me through out my whole life. I do try very hard not to hurt others, even people I don't really like very much. Trust me, there are people I wouldn't mind teeing off. But, what would that accomplish, maybe a battle of wits is all?

I have to admit, I'm sure that I have said something about someone and shouldn't have. We have most likely have all been there. But, I do try very hard not too, as I hate it when people do that. Try to remember the words you say to someone may be the last words they ever hear from you. So, always leave them with words that you would be happy to remember as your last words to them. This I say from experience.

I was taught this lesson at the young age of 19 when I had gotten into an argument with my husband. He was leaving for work that morning and wanted our usual kiss goodbye. I not only wouldn't kiss him, I told him I could care less if he ever came home again. Later that evening when he didn't come home at his usual time, I received a call saying he had been in a very bad car accident and was in the hospital. I was fortunate that he was ok and his injury's healed. I took it as a sign, to "watch what you wish for". We have all heard that quote before. Ever since I have tried to think before I spoke.

Well, I'm not sure any of this makes any sense to you all, but if it helps one person to stop and think before they say something they will regret or just shouldn't say, then it was worth the time I spent trying to make my point.

I'll leave you with this quote below that was shared with me from a friend............

Sometimes don't you find things don't happen exactly as we expected but they come
around anyway.... and often in better ways than we had even EVER dreamed? I think that's the power of the Great Spirit/God working in our lives. God always does seem to have a plan
in our very best interest... It's not the getting there, but the journey that counts as so often is said...and the journey is filled with the Joyful and the Sorrowful, the Glorious and the
Bittersweet and the LONGING.

Bless You All,
Rose Arlene

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Getting Started !!!

Hello Everyone,

This is my first attempt at a blog. I'm not really sure what to write about, so this may be a little uninteresting at first, but I hope not for long. As I learn more about blogging and what people want to hear about, then we can share ;-) or you can listen.

Well, today is Sept 23, 2008. The 1st day after my 62nd Birthday. Yep, I'm 62 getting up there in years but feel like I am still a young girl. I guess only those of us that have reached the plateau of shall I call it middle age, well maybe a wee bit above middle age, can know what I'm talking about. How you feel your still a teenager at heart and mind but when you look in the mirror the terrible realization of life being what it is sets in.

Anyway, this morning I had a doctor appointment to followup previous tests and check to see how I was doing. Everything came back great and got a good bill of health. My only complaint was why do I have to have these extra pounds on me. Gosh, I don't eat that much, but still seem to maintain a weight that I don't desire. Doc said I have to work on my metabolism. Yep, that ugly thing that creeps up on us as we start getting older. Well, it started creeping along time ago, but it really didn't bother me because I wasn't that big. But as time passes my metabolism seems to get worse. She said that I should try walking, as 30 minutes of walking each day will tremendously improve my metabolism and help me reach my goal weight. So now I just have to get the motivation to do that. I will, I know I will.

I'm going to end this little post by saying, thanks for reading this far and I will hopefully come up with more interesting things to talk about. But, I had to start somewhere and this was it.

So take care ;-) and may all things good happen for you and to you.
Love & Hugs,
Rose Arlene